Movistar DS outraged at teams that did not work to reduce Ben O'Connor's advantage: "It is striking that many have not helped at the front"

Chente García Acosta spoke to Cope after the sixth stage of the Vuelta a Espana in which Movistar Team tried to prevent Ben O'Connor from getting too much advantage at the finish line and regretted that other teams did not want to do the same:

"It strikes me that many teams have not put in, at least two (riders) each."

On the big difference that the Australian now has over Enric Mas in the general classification (more than five minutes), the Navarrese commented that they were aware that something like this could happen and that they tried in the stage with Pelayo Sanchez without luck:

"Yes, it's clear. I already warned that it could be a bidon escape, we had Pelayo, but O'Connor came out."

He made it clear that they did their best to keep the lead from going too far, but that they were not in charge of making sure it didn't get out of hand: "I put one in front (Nelson Oliveira), we were the least indicated, there were other teams that had to do it, I put the team so it wouldn't go to 10 minutes."

Finally, he made it clear that they have to go after O'Connor to try to make up time and continue fighting for the goal of finishing with Enric Mas on the podium of the Vuelta a Espana: "We go day by day, there's a lot left. We have to get it out of the way. It's a situation we thought could happen and it has."

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