Australian BMX team raided by thieves on the eve of Paris Olympic Games

The Australian BMX team is currently in Belgium, preparing for their starts at the Olympic Games. To their unpleasant surprise, they received an unwanted visitor on Wednesday. In Brussels, thieves smashed the windows of their van and then completely robbed the van. Luckily, no bikes were stolen.

Australian BMX champion Logan Martin shared the footage via Instagram. "Our van was broken into last night," he said. "Luckily most of our stuff was in our room and we were able to recover a lot of stuff."

"I lost my wallet, backpack and a few other things, but overall the damage wasn't too bad. It's a shame that people feel the need to do these kinds of things." Fortunately, the bikes weren't stolen. Much of the stolen content was found further down the road in a patch of grass.

Brussels North police zone is investigating the theft. "We can confirm that the van of the Australian BMX delegation for the Olympic Games was stolen, although it is not yet clear when this was and what the exact circumstances are. The investigation is still ongoing."

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