"We are not focused on the general classification, but on stage victories" - Marc Madiot on Tour plans with Lenny Martinez

While Marc Madiot told media few days ago that Lenny Martinez would not be doing the Tour de France this year, Groupama - FDJ announced to everyone's surprise the presence of the young climber on the 111th edition. While the fans were all stunned by this change of plan, the general manager of the French team returned to his announcement.

"No one knew, but he was on our pre-list," Madiot explains to Cyclism'Actu. And it's not forbidden to change your mind. We wanted to have the best possible team on the Tour to make shots and the lights are green for him, so we lined him up."

What will be the ambitions of Martinez at the Tour? Perhaps a stage win? "That of making one or two beautiful stages in the mountains," Madiot confirms his stage hunter role.

Will he support David Gaudu, or are they co-leaders? "The leader for the general is David. But we are starting in a completely different state of mind from other years, we are not focused on the general classification, but on the successes and stage victories."

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