Update on the Nairo Quintana case! The climber gets emotional about his comeback on 'Buen día Colombia'

The sporting destiny of Nairo Quintana, the prominent figure of Colombian cycling, remains an unknown that has kept his fans in suspense since the sanction imposed by the International Cycling Union (UCI) that excluded him from the 2022 Tour de France.

The current scenario presents us with a persistent and hopeful Nairo Quintana, willing to resolve the legal obstacles that have hindered his return to the World Tour circuit. During a recent appearance on RCN TV's 'Buen Día Colombia' program, the cyclist opened up to the cameras, making clear his intention to resolve the differences with the UCI and the Movement for a Credible Cycling (MPCC), in the hope of receiving the go-ahead to resume his professional career.

"Patience is fundamental in these moments. I will continue pedaling and I trust that a decision will be made soon," Nairo Quintana expressed with determination about his future in cycling. His firmness regarding a possible resolution and the wait for a new official communication from the UCI reflect his undeniable desire to return to European competitions.

While uncertainty prevails, Quintana does not allow adversity to cloud his focus. At 33 years old, the Colombian cyclist exudes serenity in the midst of the storm and remains optimistic about the possibilities the future holds for him. "It's crucial to remain calm and wait for the opportunity to join a good team to move forward," said the athlete, highlighting his resilience in the face of the difficulties he has faced.

Conjectures about his next professional stage float in the air, and the possibility of Nairo finding his place in a continental team in this part of the world gains strength. However, his commitment to Colombian cycling remains unchanged, as he expressed in his own words: "I feel good and my goal is to continue bringing joy to Colombia".

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Nairo Quintana Cycling UCI

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