"This a fine end to a fine Giro for me" - Tim van Dijke once again impressive in a sprint with a fifth place in Rome

Tim van Dijke can look back at a solid Giro d'Italia, despite the race was originally not even in his plans. Entering the Visma | Lease a Bike selection as a substitute for injured Wout Van Aert, his task was to prepare sprints for Olav Kooij and Christophe Laporte.

Yet the 24-year-old Dutchman grew up rapidly on his debut Grand tour and with his leaders out of the race, he was able to give to a good shot in the sprints himself, finishing fourth on stage 13 and fifth in Rome.

Van Dijke opened his sprint first on the cobbled roads in Rome, but was quickly overtaken by fantastic Tim Merlier. "It took me a bit too much energy to get to the front of the peloton," Van Dijke said afterwards in a press communication. "With another place in the top five I can certainly be happy. I don't have the pure speed like guys like Merlier and Jonathan Milan. This a fine end to a fine Giro for me."

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