"The opposition was very tough here, so a result like this is very promising" - Cian Uijtdebroeks shows sign of potenial with 7th placed GC finish at the Tour de Suisse

Cian Uijtdebroeks is viewed in Belgium as a potential star of the future. Still just 20 years old, the BORA - hansgrohe rider continued his progression with a 7th-placed overall finish at the 2023 Tour de Suisse.

"I am very happy with my performance here in Switzerland," Uijtdebroeks revealed post-race. "The opposition was very tough here, so a result like this is very promising."

Ending up 3:04 down on the race winner Mattias Skjelmose, BORA - hansgrohe's sports director Jens Zemke was delighted by Uijtdebroeks' performance levels. "Cian was the youngest rider here in Switzerland, we can only be satisfied with such a result," he says. "He has confirmed his top ten finishes from the Tour de Romandie and Catalonia. His 7th place is a reward for his hard work in training and proof of his excellent preparation."

The 2023 Tour de Suisse will forever be tinged with sadness though for the young Belgian, despite his impressive ride, after the heartbreaking crash that brought an end to the life of Gino Mäder. "His tragic death will always be with me," he concludes. "We will never forget him as a rider and as a person."

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