Lenny Martinez finds himself struggling with consistency at Tour de Suisse: "It's strange, it's almost every other day that I feel good"

After complete blow-up on Saturday, Lenny Martinez showed his better face on Sunday. The Groupama - FDJ climber 19 minutes on his first time at Villars-sur-Ollon this weekend, but came back swinging the very next day in a time trial up the same climb with a sixth time of the day.

Martinez's Tour de Suisse was truly a rollercoaster of emotions. One day he was up there with the best and 24 hours he' been fighting to limit the losses. The 20-year-old also noticed the inconsistency: "It's strange, it's almost every other day that I feel good," summarizes the Frenchman at the microphone of Cycling Pro Net.

"I'm happy with my day," continues Lenny Martinez. "But, I don't know how to explain, I was good today compared to yesterday. I was able to have a lot of fun finishing this Tour de Suisse in style. On the last climb, I set a pace and I said to myself at the end, I'd rather do that than the opposite, explode and give everything at the start. I gave everything until the end and I felt that I had good legs, so that's nice. Maybe over the years I'll improve in effort management too, even if I'm a little disappointed with that. But I'm at least happy with my performance today."

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