Mathieu Van der Poel reveals plans to chase golf dreams after retirement: "I would like to play some competition after my cycling career"

Mathieu Van der Poel fans would already know that the world champion is an avid golfer. Together with many others, he was a guest at the tournament, which is held from Thursday to Sunday by the Rinkven International Golf Club.

"I now have a little more peace," says the world champion at Sporza. "That's why I'll come and have a look a few times in the coming days. But it's really fun. I was on holiday and Louis Talpe once took me to the driving range. That's how I started."

After his cycling career, Van der Poel is looking forward to a career as a golfer. "Will I compete alongside Thomas Pieters (famous Belgian golfer; ed.) in the future? No, that level is much too high. But I would like to play some competition after my cycling career. Now I like scramble 2 against 2 the most (as a duo you always play with the best ball, ed.)."

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