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- Tadej, unlike Armstrong, does not have cancer. Whenever they found something strange about Armstrong, he and his complice system, explained that they were innovative procedures for cancer, which is why he was able to fool around for so many years.
- Oh, Always this frustrated hater present, poor soul, his happiness is defame with falsely rational arguments, pure cheap sophistry. Calm down, go to holidays, maybe you could obtain a genuine moment of happiness.
- who cares about the BBC? Let them continue to reward the dirty and every year more violent football, actually, a BBC award is an insult.
- Would it be wise to include Pogacar though? I don’t think so. In case he won they’d have to strip him of the award in a few years time anyway. Thermonuclear performances from March to October, no single bad day, 100km solo rides, beating EPO times by minutes, team principals involved in number of doping scandals in the past and most importantly massive improvement during one off-season. If cycling history had taught us anything, it’s that you can’t believe in miracles. Sorry Dopačar
- No one- aside from dorks like us- cares about cycling. Get over it, and enjoy the sport for what it is. External validation is neither necessary nor valuable.
- The Three Doping Amigo's spouting their nonsense. They were only successful due to their doping.
- Your diversity argument makes no sense. If it was a diversity push, they would be including cycling in order to diversify their nominees.
- You're mostly preaching to the converted on here, but this was still a thoroughly enjoyable article. Firstly I was incensed; as close to a perfect season as you're ever going to see in this era and it isn't good enough to make the shortlist?! Then I became reflective and pondered the sheer amount of joy I experienced from watching a great at work this year. Now I'm happy again.
- Maybe he could buy you a new personality lol, just kidding sweep. Keep it clean.
- Its still not the acceleration of Teddy