We had to wait a few days for it, but the decision has now finally been made. YouTuber Average Rob can organize his own competition in Diegem. After consultation with the organization of the evening cross, it was decided that the internet phenomenon could race in the gap between the two elite category races.
"There is 45 minutes of rest between the elite women and men, so that Een Thuis can broadcast," the video maker said on Twitter. In a subsequent tweet, Average Rob then challenges Bas Tietema and Josse Wester (both from TDT-Unibet).
Tietema responded to Average Rob's challenge via Twitter. The 28-year-old Dutchman has accepted the challenge and will therefore be present at the evening cross in Diegem on December 28. "Maestro, this is official. I will accept your invitation to participate in the cross in Diegem. My fitness level is below freezing, but of course I cannot pass up the opportunity to end my cycling career without a DNF. The battle is on!", was Tietema's message.
Wester, another member of the original Tietema crew, responded laughing to the news that his partner will compete against Average Rob. "You have 15 days. Great format for a YouTube series," he said - including a clown smiley - on Twitter.