"I wouldn't have kept my legs still if I had sprinted for the win" - Kaden Groves passed on the line by Biniam Girmay for second place

The streak of podium results without a victory doesn't seem to come to an end for Kaden Groves who adds another 'bronze' at Sunday's Brussels Cycling Classic. Not only was the front group unable to close its gap to solo leader, the Australian was also passed by another rider on the line.

Groves was actually heading for a second place in Brussels, but the sprinter from Alpecin-Deceuninck kept his legs still in the last meters and then saw Biniam Girmay pass by in final meters. "Sprinting for second place is very different," he admits. "I thought I was second, but Biniam caught me at the finish. I wouldn't have kept my legs still if I had sprinted for the win."

Groves is full of praise for winner Jonas Abrahamsen. "He attacked at a very good time, just after another attack. No one could go with him. We gambled that Intermarché - Wanty would close the gap, but that didn't work. And Jonas was too strong," said the Australian.

Groves has already completed Giro d'Italia in May, but he continues to rack up race days. He explains why he can't have a rest just yet: "I missed a lot of races in the spring and am now back at a good level after the Giro. That's why I wanted to ride as much as possible to get the most out of my form. Unfortunately I haven't been able to win yet."

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