25-01-2025 03:29
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03-01-2025 22:27
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12-10-2024 01:16
29-09-2024 17:52
25-09-2024 22:31
10-09-2024 22:15
11-07-2024 17:47
Jonas (probably instructed by Visma) low-key seeding a media cycle about UAE’s carbon monoxide abuse because he knows he’s not at Tadej’s level anymore.25-01-2025 03:29
In reality, the one thing Roglic needs to do is not crash.14-01-2025 22:10
What is the purpose of this article? Why is whatever Jose has to say relevant right now? Why is anyone continuing to write articles about Lance when this current generation of cyclists deserves much more time and respect? There are hundreds of articles, books, recorded testimonies that contradict everything he says about Lance’s demeanor within the team and the doping program within Postal. I actually feel sorry for Jose if he believes what he’s saying, though that depth of ignorance must be bliss.03-01-2025 22:27
"He has almost become a half-time clown who tours around to all kinds of small races.”…. Rich coming from an admitted doper who tried clowning the sport nearly his entire professional career.15-10-2024 20:42
This guy is completely delusional. He and Pidcock should start a team together.15-10-2024 03:19
With Cummings’ snub from the Tour and Luke Rowe moving to AG2R (amongst everything else), it’ll be fascinating to someday learn what’s been happening at Ineos. Surely not just being massively dethroned by UAE and Visma. Tom’s role in this, either affecting the situation there or effected by it, is interesting. Regardless of Ineos and Tom / Tom and Ineos, I can’t help but think that Tom’s situation is going to follow him for the rest of his road career. His Mtb and CX palmarès are incredible, especially for someone his age, but he’s not Wout or MvDP, and his road palmarès don’t remotely qualify him to be be in the same conversation as them or anyone else in the leadership/backup leadership position on road teams. Tom has proven he’s not a leader or a teammate, and doesn’t have the results for either to be OK. Unless he realizes that he has nothing left to prove in MTB but literally everything to prove on the road, his road career is done.12-10-2024 01:16
Pidcock has an immaculate track record of predicting something that is the opposite of what ends up happening. Tom should bet money on having the same kind of redemption season next year that Ben O’Connor had this year. Because he won’t.29-09-2024 17:52
“If you want to win the Tour you should be faster than everyone else.” Groundbreaking!25-09-2024 22:31
The skills are certainly still there but need honing. To me, it’s really about confidence. Confidence to stay on the bike and confidence to win races. Big crashes that happen because of accidents, which can happen regardless of skill set, plant seeds of doubt and fractions of hesitation in moments during a race that matter the most. When results stop coming because of that or still recovering from injury, guys like Wout get desperate. Low confidence and high desperation add a massive cognitive load that distracts from fundamental skills, like bike handling. Even for Wout, who is still one of the best bike handlers in the peloton, a ~1-5% loss in handling skills because of all that other load can be significant. I really hope he can break the cycle and get everything to click again next season. If anyone in the peloton could bounce back from a year like this, it’s Wout.10-09-2024 22:15
And it's not even good PR... he's a classless, tone deaf, egotistical joke who's going to get someone seriously injured someday. Sadly, this will happen sooner rather than later.11-07-2024 17:47